Introducing CarPlay And Android Auto Support For All Pro Plan Users

We’re thrilled to share some exciting news with you – Nobex Mobile Apps now offer CarPlay and Android Auto support for all Pro Plan stations! This means that your listeners can now enjoy seamless access to your station while on the road, making it easier than ever for them to tune in during their commute or while stuck in traffic.

What is CarPlay?

For those who may be unfamiliar, CarPlay is a revolutionary technology that allows your car’s radio or head unit to serve as a display and controller for your iOS device. Compatible with iPhone 5 and later models running iOS 7.1 or later, CarPlay transforms your car’s built-in display into a smart interface for accessing essential iPhone functions.

With more than 800 car models supporting CarPlay, according to Apple, users can get directions, make calls, send and receive messages, and enjoy their favorite music—all while keeping their eyes on the road. Plus, CarPlay now features more app categories and custom wallpapers for your CarPlay Dashboard, enhancing the overall driving experience.


What is Android Auto?

Android Auto, developed by Google, is a mobile app designed to seamlessly integrate Android devices with a car’s dashboard information and entertainment head unit. By pairing an Android device with the car’s head unit, users can mirror a variety of apps directly onto the vehicle’s display, including GPS mapping and navigation, music playback, SMS, telephone, and web search.

The system supports both touchscreen and button-controlled head units, with hands-free operation through voice commands recommended to minimize driver distraction. Android Auto is part of the Open Automotive Alliance, a collaborative effort involving 28 automobile manufacturers, with Nvidia serving as the tech supplier. It is available in 36 countries, providing drivers with enhanced connectivity and convenience while on the road.


Radio and Car as an evergreen combination

Radio and the car have long been a match made in heaven, and a recent article from Edison Research’s Share of Ear® confirms this. Among the 13-34 age group, a whopping 56% of radio listeners tune in exclusively while driving.

This highlights the importance of catering to in-car listening environments, especially during key drive times like morning (6am – 10am) and late afternoon (3pm -7pm). By leveraging CarPlay and Android Auto support for your Nobex Radio Mobile App, you’re tapping into a prime opportunity to engage your audience when they’re most receptive.


If you’re looking to enhance the listening experience for your iOS audience and tap into the power of in-car radio, upgrading to the Pro Plan with CarPlay and Android Auto support is the way to go. With this integration, your station becomes even more accessible to listeners on the go, driving engagement and loyalty.

And if you’re already a Pro Plan user, but want to learn more about how this and other features can benefit your station, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help you make the most and ensure your station stays ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of broadcasting.

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